There is no Independent Central Bank

4th March 2022, 11:00 am

The lecture will consider the cases of the Federal Reserve Board, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of England and the People’s Bank of China. It will examine the patchy record of the western Banks in controlling inflation and avoiding major downturns. It will consider political involvement through choice of Governors, intervention over interest rate changes, revision of inflation targets and supervision of Quantitative easing. It will examine influence over Central bankers by Parliaments, the media and public opinion, and the occasions when a Governor seems to be pursuing a political agenda through Central bank policy. 

Please note that due to the ongoing pandemic, these lectures will be  delivered in hybrid format. Capacity is restricted so please arrive early to avoid  disappointment. If capacity is reached, attendees will  be turned away.

For those attending in person, these lectures will take  place in the Old Library, All Souls College, OX1 4AL (enter via the Lodge).   Registrations close at 12 noon the day before the lecture. Please register using this form.

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