Lectures & Seminars

The College hosts many lectures and seminars, including those by lecturers appointed by the University and associated with All Souls. These are the Slade Lectures (Art History - Hilary Term), the Radhakrishnan Memorial Lectures (Indian Studies), the Evans-Pritchard Lectures (Social Anthropology, Classical Studies, Archaeology, Modern History, Oriental Studies - Trinity Term), the Carlyle Lectures (Political Theory - alternate years in Hilary Term) and the Lee Lecture in Political Science and Government (Hilary Term). These lectures are open to the public and information about the lectures is posted as soon as it is available.

About our Lectures & Seminars

The College also supports seminars, lectures and workshops sponsored by Fellows for members of the University. They are not open to members of the public unless the lecture or seminar notice explicitly indicates that 'All are welcome', or permission to attend has been obtained from the Fellow giving the course or seminar. 

The College only has limited facilities and therefore can only accommodate academic or social meetings organised by Fellows of the College. The College is also short of accommodation; rooms may be available but only to potential academic visitors proposed by Fellows.